Atlas der Säugetiere Nordrhein-Westfalens
AG Säugetierkunde in NRW
Der Atlas zeigt Ihnen auf Basis von Topographischen Karten das Vorkommen heimischer Säugetierarten. Probieren Sie es aus.
Phoca vitulina
The harbour seal is the most common species of earless seals (Family Phocidae) in the North Sea and along the northern German coast. The species is widely distributed in the Atlantic and northern Pacific. Harbour Seals are smaller and more slender than Grey Seals (Halichoerus grypus) and can also be distinguished form them by the more rounded shape of the head. The pelage is coloured dark grey and displays small irregularly distributed spots. Males reach a weight of up to 150 kg and females up to 100 kg. The animals feed on a variety of fishes and can also handle freshwater fishes.
Occasionally, individual animals swim into the mouths of rivers and in this way reach far into the inland, even up the Rhine to North Rhine-Westphalia. On October3, 2014, a Harbour Seal was observed in the Düsseldorf "Media Harbour" beaching below a hotel complex where it caught the attention of pedestrians and the media. The fire brigade and police appeared with boats and tried to capture the animal, which subsequently dove under and disappeared. The local press reported the animal as a Harbour Seal and as a Grey Seal. However, a video shown by the WDR provides evidence that it was a young Harbour Seal.
Rainer Hutterer
Hutterer R (2024): Seehund (Phoca_vitulina).In: AG Säugetierkunde NRW — Online-Atlas of the mammals of North Rhine-Westphalia. Downloaded from on 2024/12/21
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